604-788-7288 contact@drcurrell.com
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What are your qualifications?
I received my PhD in Clinical Psychology from Central Michigan University which is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). I am registered as a Psychologist in good standing with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia (Registrant #2086) and with the College of Alberta Psychologists (#5667).

I have provided psychology services in a wide range of settings including a university-based clinic, hospitals, private practices, community agencies, and prisons.

Why choose a psychologist?
Registered psychologists are authorized to conduct psychological testing and to provide diagnoses. They are trained to treat a wide variety of emotional and psychological issues. To become a registered psychologist, Dr. Currell completed a total of six years of training following her undergraduate degree, including a year of supervised practice experience following her pre-doctoral internship year. She completed exams at both the provincial and national level for her registration. Thus, when you receive services of a registered psychologist, you are in the hands of a highly-trained and qualified professional.

Is what I tell you confidential?
Yes, the client-therapist relationship is a confidential one, and I am bound ethically through my licensing body (The College of Psychologists of British Columbia) to keep what you share with me private unless you give your consent to disclose this information to a third party. However, there are certain exceptions to this, including:

  • When there is an immediate risk of harm to yourself or someone else
  • When there is reason to believe that a child needs protection. This includes instances in which a child has been or is at risk of being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused, harmed, or exploited
  • When there is a legal requirement to release your confidential information (e.g., if the courts subpoena your file). 

However, we will discuss these limits to confidentiality in detail during your initial consultation appointment.

How many sessions do I need?
This question really varies based on the issues you want to address. I provide both short- and long-term therapy options that are tailored to suit your specific needs. The therapeutic relationship is a collaborative one in that we will work together to determine the number of sessions that is appropriate for you. The same holds true for frequency of sessions. 

Can you prescribe medication for me?
No, only a family doctor or psychiatrist can prescribe medication. My work with you focuses on the psychological and emotional aspects of your mental health.