604-788-7288 contact@drcurrell.com
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Dr. Currell

Dr. Catherine Currell

 Welcome to Dr. Currell Psychological Services. Dr. Currell is a psychologist registered with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia (CPBC #2086) and the College of Alberta Psychologists (#5667).

Perhaps you have been dealing with a difficult problem that is causing you concern and you don’t know where to turn, or you are unsure of how to make the necessary changes to get unstuck from a rut and back into a productive action-oriented lifestyle. You may find that therapy can help get you back on track.

Dr. Currell is trained to work with a wide variety of issues. She is here to help you with the problem behaviours or feelings that you may be experiencing and does so in a respectful and caring manner.

Feel free to contact Dr. Currell using the form provided, or email contact@drcurrell.com

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Dr. Currell has office locations in Kamloops and Prince George, B.C.

Phone: 604-788-7288